COLBEEF offers the service through our bovine and buffalo cattle processing plant, complying with the health and quality legislation of the most demanding markets.

The design of our infrastructure and the technical knowledge of our staff provide livestock with a high degree of animal welfare from the moment of entry, they remain in comfortable pens, processing, storage and dispatch, which makes them obtain excellent quality products.

We have a modern production plant, with high technology and a strategic location, in addition, online production avoids cross contamination, stainless steel walls, mobile platforms and the bovine conveyor belt or retention system stands out, a system that contributes to animal welfare and product quality. Furthermore, our processes are permanently inspected by INVIMA.

We have a refrigerated room where we get pre-chilled channels with the right performance percentage of the right degree of cooling for your business.

In the area of ​​edible meat products we obtain entrails of excellent quality attractive to local, national and export markets.

At COLBEEF we have available to our clients a fleet of refrigerated transport vehicles, which are monitored by satellite so that your product arrives on time and in the best conditions.

Offering an excellent service is a priority for us, that is why we guarantee the fulfillment of your requirements, timely deliveries, 24/7 attention and an always friendly treatment focused on the total satisfaction of our clients.

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